
[普] 小学英语人教版PEP四年级下册 Recycle2 课件+素材(共27张PPT)

  • Recycle 2.pptx

  • R2 Read aloud-P1.mp4

  • R2 Read aloud-P2.mp4

  • R2 Read aloud-P3.mp4

  • R2 Read aloud-P4.mp4

  • R2 Read aloud.mp4

  • Song-We are going on a picnic.mp4

  • 1. Let's have a picnic tomorrow.wav

  • 1.Tomorrow will be warm and sunny.wav

  • 1.Tomorrow will... a picnic tomorrow.wav

  • 10.Are those cows They look hungry.wav

  • 10.They look hungry.wav

  • 11.Whose tomatoes are those.wav

  • 12.Moo.wav

  • 13.They're Sarha's! Quick.wav

  • 2.Yeah.wav

  • 3.Can I help you.wav

  • 4.Yes, five tomatoes and two carrots, please.wav

  • 5.How much is that.wav

  • 5.Three bananas...how much is that.wav

  • 5.Three bananas...please.wav

  • 6.That's 42 yuan in total.wav

  • 7.That's expensive.wav

  • 8.That jackte is cool! Whose is it.wav

  • 9.It's Sarah's. I like it, too.wav

  • have a picnic.wav

  • Tomorrow will be warm in Dali.wav

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