
[精] Unit 2 My summer holiday 单词导学课件

更新2023-11-04 133共27份
  • Unit 2 My summer holiday 单词导学课件.pptx

  • Look and read.mp4

  • Sing a song(1).mp4

  • Learn the sounds.mp3

  • Listen and circle.mp3

  • Listen and say 01.mp3

  • Listen and say 截取视频1.mp3

  • Listen and say 截取视频2.mp3

  • Listen and say.mp3

  • Look and read 01.mp3

  • Look and read 02-00.mp3

  • Look and read 02.mp3

  • Look and read 03.mp3

  • Look and read.mp3

  • match01.mp3

  • match02.mp3

  • say.mp3

  • say01.mp3

  • say02.mp3

  • say03.mp3

  • say04.mp3

  • say05.mp3

  • say06.mp3

  • Sing a song.mp3

  • the Great Wall.mp3

  • the Palace Museum.mp3

  • Tian'anmen Square.mp3

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