
[精] Unit 6 The world of my dreams第3课时 (Part 4)课件+素材(47张PPT)

更新2024-01-11 72共34份
  • 第3课时 (Part 4).pptx

  • 1 I want to see the ocean.wav

  • 10 Got you oh no.wav

  • 11 Phew that was close.wav

  • 12 What's that I'm scared.wav

  • 13 Who are you.wav

  • 14 I'm a rabbit....wav

  • 15 Sorry....wav

  • 16 Can you tell me the way to the ocean.wav

  • 17 sure it's this way.wav

  • 18 I can talk you there.wav

  • 19 no thank you.wav

  • 2 don't go it's too dangerous.wav

  • 3 dont's go it's too far..wav

  • 4 Eecuse me, how do I get to the ocean.wav

  • 5 Come with me....wav

  • 6 I'll get you.wav

  • 7 I'm glad I'm faster than the lion.wav

  • 8 Excuse me can you tell me the way to the ocean.wav

  • 9 Sorry, I can't hear you...wav

  • dangerous.wav

  • glad.wav

  • ocean.wav

  • owl.wav

  • Part 1.wav

  • Picture 11.wav

  • Picture 12.wav

  • Picture 2-4.wav

  • Picture 5-6-4.wav

  • Picture 7-8.wav

  • Picture 9-10.wav

  • situation.wav

  • sure.wav

  • wish.wav

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