
[普] Unit5 Lesson2 They are having a basketball match课件+素材(37张PPT)

  • 五上Unit5 Lesson2 超超.pptx

  • 新建 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿.ppt

  • (1).mp4

  • (2).mp4

  • 2008北京奥运会比赛精彩瞬间集锦.mp4

  • 乔丹.mp4

  • 学生活动 (1).mp4

  • 新视频2GuoYang.mp4

  • 新视频3Danny.mp4

  • 新视频4LiMing.mp4

  • 新视频5Peter投篮.mp4

  • 新视频6play well.mp4

  • 新视频Peter.mp4

  • 热身视频 定 (1).mp4

  • 333.mp4

  • He gets the ball..mp4

  • He's running to the basket..mp4

  • Peter部分.wmv

  • U5L2_1展示.wmv

  • WMA-新视频5Peter投篮.wmv

  • WMA-新视频6李明play well.wmv

  • 情感升华-2008北京奥运会比赛精彩瞬间集锦.wmv

  • 5L2_1_01.mp3

  • 5L2_1_02.mp3

  • 5L2_1_03.mp3

  • 5L2_1_04.mp3

  • 5L2_1_05.mp3

  • 5L2_1_06.mp3

  • 5L2_1_07.mp3

  • 5L2_1_08.mp3

  • L2-Listen and say.mp3

  • He jumps very hagh.He has the ball..mp3

  • He's running to the basket.He gets the ball. (1).mp3

  • He's running to the basket.He gets the ball. (2).mp3

  • He's running to the basket.He gets the ball..mp3

  • Li Ming plays well..mp3

  • Peter is great!.mp3

  • Peter,shoot it..mp3

  • The boys are having a basketball match..mp3

  • We win!We win!.mp3

  • 爱的背景音乐.mp3

  • 轻音乐-万水千山总是情.mp3



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